Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 15
Showing: Items 1 - 15
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Mack AND Frederick AND K)

Select Item Title Year Published
Digital simulation and prediction of water levels in the Magothy aquifer in southern Maryland 1977
Evaluation of the geohydrology and water-supply potential of the Lower Patapsco and Patuxent aquifers in the Indian Head-Bryans Road Area, Charles County, Maryland : initial findings / 1998
Evaluation of the Magothy aquifer in the Annapolis area, Maryland 1974
Evaluation of the water-supply potential of aquifers in the Potomac Group of Anne Arundel County, Maryland 1986
Geohydrologic data for the coastal plain sediments underlying Broadneck Peninsula, Anne Arundel County, Maryland 1991
Geohydrology of channel-fill deposits near Salisbury, Maryland 1972
Geology and hydrology of the West Milton area, Saratoga County, New York / 1964
Ground water in Prince Georges County, 1966
Ground-water supplies for industrial and urban development in Anne Arundel County with a section on the chemical character of the water 1962
Potentiometric surface of the Aquia aquifer in southern Maryland during the fall of 1987 1989
Potentiometric surface of the Magothy aquifer in southern Maryland during the fall of 1987 1989
Preliminary analysis of geohydrologic data from test wells drilled near Chester, on Kent Island, Queen Anne's County, Maryland 1983
Selected geohydrologic characteristics of the Patapsco aquifers at Chalk Point, Prince Georges County, Maryland 1988
Water level declines in the Magothy Aquifer in Southern Maryland related to increases in pumpage 1983
Water resources of Dorchester and Talbot Counties, Marylan with special emphasis on the ground-water potential of the Cambridge and Easton areas, 1971

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